Wildlife Rescue - call WIRES 1300 094 737 

Watch out for our wildlife  

When you are heading up to St Albans, the locals ask you to please keep an eye out on the roads for our abundant wildlife. If you are driving in the valley between dusk and dawn, there is a high chance you will have large animals such as wallaroos, wombats, wallabies and koalas crossing the road in front of you. These animals are not used to high volumes of traffic on the road and are easily dazed by headlights. Please drive slowly through the valley so you can avoid a collision with an animal. Hitting an animal, will not only most likely end in its death or serious injury, but can cause a lot of damage to your car. 


Recent sightings have shown an increase in koala activity in the area, so please keep a lookout for these iconic animals.


What to do if you do hit an animal, or come across one that has been hit? 

Please stop and check the animal where it's safe to do so. Is it still alive? Does it have a baby in its pouch or standing nearby? 

If the animal is dead, please move off the road so it doesn't cause an accident for another motorist - make it obvious that the animal has been checked (placing sticks or branches on top of the body for example).  If the animal is alive or has a baby at foot or in the pouch - Carefully move the animal off the road so it won't get run over. - please call WIRES with the details of the location. If you can stay with the animal until a rescuer gets there, that is ideal, however, we know that mobile coverage is patchy, so you may need to leave to get reception. If you do leave, try and leave some kind of marker so the rescuer can find the animal. 

 Thank you for caring for our valley wildlife, and enjoy your stay. 

The number for WIRES is 1300 094 737