Volunteer Applications are now open!
St Albans Folk Festival is a friendly festival run entirely by volunteers. There are no paid employees.
Why volunteer at St Albans FF?
· Receive a weekend pass to the Festival in exchange for 9 hours of volunteer work.
· Be part of an enthusiastic team, working towards a common goal
· Share your experience; learn new skills
· Celebrate with old and new friends at the Volunteers’ BBQ
A brief description of the various volunteer positions can be downloaded HERE
Volunteers must be over the age of 15 years. For volunteers between the ages of 15 & 18 years, special conditions apply. Further details available on request.
If you would like to help, please complete the application form.
All volunteers are required to agree to abide by the St Albans Folk Festival Code of Conduct, a copy of which may be downloaded here.
All volunteers must read and agree to observe.
If you register to volunteer, it is important to remember that festival organisers reserve the right to not accept a registration if the person has been an inappropriate fit as a volunteer in the past.
For further information, please contact
Cathy Rytmeister, Volunteer Manager